Ultimate Paintball - Low Prices

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Basic Paintball Tactics
Step 1
Start learning basic paintball tactics by first becoming familiar with the field you are going to play on. Beginners must learn the easiest and quickest way to get to the nearest bunkers on the field. Walk the field and get familiar with the terrain. This helps beginners to see where the open lanes are that the opposing team players will use.
Step 2
Learn the importance of concealment as one of the basic paintball tactics. It is best to wear camouflage clothing or a dark color when you play on a wooded field. Bright colors make you stand out when you are advancing.
Step 3
Know where your other teammates are at all times. This is a basic paintball playing tactic that beginners sometimes forget. Pay special attention to the ones playing to your right and left sides. Beginners normally look straight ahead when they are advancing the field. When they see movement to the right or to the left in a fire fight, it's hard to keep up with your team's players. This is when beginners often make the mistake of shooting their own teammates.
Step 4
Pay attention to how many paintballs you have left in your pods and in your hopper. Beginners often shoot an overabundance of paintballs, running out before the game is over. If this happens, look on the ground of the field. You can normally find paintballs that have not busted. Pick these up and put them in your hopper so you can continue playing.